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March 30, 2010, at 09:15 AM by nuald - Formatting issues have been fixed.
Changed lines 9-12 from:

This server by default is listening to the port 1088. The Porcupine connector is bound to the root folder of the server. The Porcupine desktop is accessible by typing:
[@ $ python]

This server by default is listening to the port 1088. The Porcupine connector is bound to the root folder of the server. The Porcupine desktop is accessible by URL:
March 17, 2010, at 04:56 AM by nuald - The page has been transferred from the main site.
Added lines 1-27:
!! Porcupine Web Connectors

Web connectors allow you to bridge a web server with Porcupine. All of the above connectors require Porcupine 0.6. Older versions can be found to the [[ | Sourceforge downloads page]].

!!! WSGI Connector

In order to run Porcupine with WSGI anabled servers, you need to download the WSGI connector. The latest version includes out-of-the-box support for mod_wsgi. Apart from the connector itself, a simple WSGI server based on [[ | WSGIUtils]] is also provided. To use this server, you should download and install [[ | WSGIUtils]] and then simply start it by typing:


This server by default is listening to the port 1088. The Porcupine connector is bound to the root folder of the server. The Porcupine desktop is accessible by typing:


Download [[ |]]

!!! MOD_PYTHON Connector

MOD_PYTHON connector for the Apache web server. This is the connector we recommend for live environments. It runs on Windows and Linux and it requires Apache, Python and [[ | MOD_PYTHON]].

Download [[ |]]

!!! Win32 CGI Connector

This is a Windows binary connector for web servers that support CGI. Due to the fact that for every request a new process is created the performance is degraded. Good for evaluation purposes. Currently, this connector is tested only on IIS and Apache and it does not require Python.

Download [[ |]] built with Python 2.6.
Page last modified on March 30, 2010, at 09:15 AM