From Porcupine wiki

Administrators: How to migrate your applications from version 0.5.2 to 0.6

In order to migrate your applications to Porcupine 0.6 you need to apply the following changes:

  1. HttpContext.current() is deprecated. Use from porcupine import context instead.
  2. Remove all __slots__ class attributes from all of your schema related classes.
  3. is deprecated. Use porcupine.utils.permsresolver.get_access instead.
  4. You no longer have to pass as an argument the transaction handle to transactional API calls. For instance, self.delete(txn) should be replaced with self.delete().
  5. QuiX boxes are no longer automatically redrawn when removing a child widget. The developer should take care of this.
  6. QuiX.getOS is deprecated. Use QuiX.utils.BrowserInfo.OS instead.
  7. Most of the camelCase API calls are deprecated due to PEP 8 alignment. Check the server's log for deprecated calls and change the code accordingly.
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Page last modified on July 18, 2009, at 12:47 PM